IGRANTNode1 Extractions: indy-node_status: - '' journalctl_exceptions: - '' node-control status: - '' stops_stat: null upgrade_log: '' Hardware: HDD_used_by_node: 560 MBs Memory_profiler: [] Node_info: BLS_key: gMYJ7XBmKqbsefCvSwE3Qa3SWGYeT2zgTbyLd6uP8gzsCFVko8SupotKfuPFEHCp9dMjQMe71cYBeHJ1JwqSWHWxyjTcgB5izFWKfqZTLQ9NVYLDwN2MgncGqMcgazbzaoj5C9yX3hb9CnvGMUBpy12pRuy83pD792nhPbev1Meodo Catchup_status: Last_txn_3PC_keys: '0': IGRANTNode2: - null - null REDPILLLINPRONode5: - null - null '1': {} '2': {} '3': IGRANTNode2: - null - null REDPILLLINPRONode5: - null - null Ledger_statuses: '0': synced '1': synced '2': synced '3': synced Number_txns_in_catchup: '0': 0 '1': 0 '2': 0 '3': 0 Received_LedgerStatus: '' Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs: '0': null '1': null '2': null '3': null Client_ip: Client_port: 9702 Client_protocol: tcp Committed_ledger_root_hashes: '0': b'3w3ccEDaBoMpxyF9NeFxsFMwNGvw8mZdBz2V4k4PqJsb' '1': b'8HzHnQnG293eTswJRGq623tyAFc1JNawt1WLL27pPUKL' '2': b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn' '3': b'3vnBYt5newJRW7wm8F2jtc2eixe4YVVZavgpQS7mtrC3' Committed_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' Count_of_replicas: 1 Freshness_status: '0': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' '1': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:38:29+00:00' '2': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' Metrics: Delta: 0.1 Lambda: 240 Omega: 20 average-per-second: read-transactions: 0.2224052449 write-transactions: 0.0013843194 avg backup throughput: null client avg request latencies: '0': 0.7746980044 instances started: '0': 694061.232825128 master throughput: 0.0 master throughput ratio: null max master request latencies: 0 ordered request counts: '0': 342 ordered request durations: '0': 335.8158285841 throughput: '0': 0.0 total requests: 68320 transaction-count: audit: 559515 config: 0 ledger: 68463 pool: 12 uptime: 49352770 Mode: participating Name: IGRANTNode1 Node_ip: Node_port: 9701 Node_protocol: tcp Replicas_status: IGRANTNode1:0: Last_ordered_3PC: - 14 - 559515 Primary: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6:0 Stashed_txns: Stashed_PrePrepare: 0 Stashed_checkpoints: 0 Watermarks: 559500:559800 Requests_timeouts: Ordering_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Propagates_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes: {} Uncommitted_ledger_txns: '0': Count: 0 '1': Count: 0 '2': Count: 0 '3': Count: 0 Uncommitted_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' View_change_status: IC_queue: '15': Voters: RISENode7: reason: 43 Last_complete_view_no: 14 Last_view_change_started_at: '2024-08-19 12:31:36' VCDone_queue: {} VC_in_progress: false View_No: 14 did: DWMSWWfar9XijjTbVuQFYPywUCcuWYZ9jqQ1jwLqEHDa verkey: 5Pd97YQae8XhmJgs8pBN5EfjhBiU8FmD663nk73xmn2KgsnKBYyKQyD Pool_info: Blacklisted_nodes: [] Quorums: '{''view_change_done'': Quorum(3), ''consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''f'': 1, ''observer_data'': Quorum(2), ''bls_signatures'': Quorum(3), ''checkpoint'': Quorum(2), ''election'': Quorum(3), ''view_change_ack'': Quorum(2), ''weak'': Quorum(2), ''view_change'': Quorum(3), ''prepare'': Quorum(2), ''n'': 4, ''backup_instance_faulty'': Quorum(2), ''propagate'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status_last_3PC'': Quorum(2), ''reply'': Quorum(2), ''strong'': Quorum(3), ''timestamp'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status'': Quorum(2), ''commit'': Quorum(3), ''same_consistency_proof'': Quorum(2)}' Reachable_nodes: - - IGRANTNode1 - null - - MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 - 0 - - REDPILLLINPRONode5 - null - - RISENode7 - null Reachable_nodes_count: 4 Read_only: false Suspicious_nodes: '' Total_nodes_count: 4 Unreachable_nodes: [] Unreachable_nodes_count: 0 f_value: 1 Protocol: {} Software: Indy_packages: - '' Installed_packages: - zipp 1.2.0 - yarl 1.5.1 - wcwidth 0.2.5 - ujson 1.33 - typing - typing-extensions - toml 0.10.2 - timeout-decorator 0.4.0 - supervisor 4.0.4 - sortedcontainers 1.5.7 - six 1.11.0 - sha3 0.2.1 - setuptools 28.8.0 - semver 2.7.9 - rlp 0.6.0 - pyzmq 18.1.0 - PyYAML 5.1.2 - python3-indy 1.15.0 - python-ursa 0.1.1 - python-rocksdb 0.6.9 - python-dateutil 2.6.1 - pytest 6.1.2 - pyparsing 2.4.7 - Pympler 0.8 - Pygments 2.2.0 - pycparser 2.20 - pycares 3.1.1 - py 1.10.0 - psutil 5.6.6 - prompt-toolkit 0.57 - portalocker 0.5.7 - pluggy 0.13.1 - pip 9.0.3 - pathlib2 2.3.5 - packaging 19.0 - orderedset 2.0.3 - multidict 4.7.6 - msgpack-python 0.4.6 - meld3 2.0.1 - MarkupSafe 1.1.1 - libnacl 1.6.1 - leveldb 0.201 - jsonpickle 0.9.6 - Jinja2 2.11.3 - ioflo 1.5.4 - intervaltree 2.1.0 - iniconfig 1.1.1 - indy-plenum 1.13.0.dev0 - indy-node 1.12.4 - importlib-metadata 2.1.1 - idna 3.1 - idna-ssl 1.1.0 - distro 1.3.0 - chardet 3.0.4 - cffi 1.14.5 - cchardet 2.1.7 - base58 1.0.3 - attrs 20.3.0 - async-timeout 3.0.1 - aiosqlite 0.10.0 - aiohttp 3.5.4 - aiohttp-jinja2 1.1.2 - aiodns 2.0.0 OS_version: Linux-5.15.0-1030-gcp-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid indy-node: 1.12.4 sovrin: unknown Update_time: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:43:24 AM +0000 response-version: 0.0.1 timestamp: 1729565004 MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 Extractions: indy-node_status: - '' journalctl_exceptions: - '' node-control status: - '' stops_stat: null upgrade_log: '' Hardware: HDD_used_by_node: 516 MBs Memory_profiler: [] Node_info: BLS_key: 2w51RLXuvhTX2S9oEXfHwzui7qT9hEsQs6XrCZMNh2wj9WHoh9KJKEcww1EPbW9FLVpYSBnWAFoniyMgVtnmudGeLQnWfj1aAEvgvnTdfDm2vr4eBXWvLpk9SDhiPGPR7Cixz8Q1iZBNDMfCmtMnexntpFpm5UFB3sxPTaqj2nUpThE Catchup_status: Last_txn_3PC_keys: '0': {} '1': {} '2': {} '3': {} Ledger_statuses: '0': synced '1': synced '2': synced '3': synced Number_txns_in_catchup: '0': 0 '1': 116 '2': 0 '3': 6879 Received_LedgerStatus: '' Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs: '0': null '1': null '2': null '3': null Client_ip: Client_port: 9702 Client_protocol: tcp Committed_ledger_root_hashes: '0': b'3w3ccEDaBoMpxyF9NeFxsFMwNGvw8mZdBz2V4k4PqJsb' '1': b'8HzHnQnG293eTswJRGq623tyAFc1JNawt1WLL27pPUKL' '2': b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn' '3': b'3vnBYt5newJRW7wm8F2jtc2eixe4YVVZavgpQS7mtrC3' Committed_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' Count_of_replicas: 1 Freshness_status: '0': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' '1': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:38:29+00:00' '2': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' Metrics: Delta: 0.1 Lambda: 240 Omega: 20 average-per-second: read-transactions: 0.2224706458 write-transactions: 0.0013842837 avg backup throughput: null client avg request latencies: '0': 0.7748952553 instances started: '0': 50335.430588293 master throughput: 0.0 master throughput ratio: null max master request latencies: 0 ordered request counts: '0': 342 ordered request durations: '0': 334.1918361485 throughput: '0': 0.0 total requests: 68320 transaction-count: audit: 559515 config: 0 ledger: 68463 pool: 12 uptime: 49354043 Mode: participating Name: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 Node_ip: Node_port: 9701 Node_protocol: tcp Replicas_status: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6:0: Last_ordered_3PC: - 14 - 559515 Primary: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6:0 Stashed_txns: Stashed_PrePrepare: 0 Stashed_checkpoints: 0 Watermarks: 559500:559800 Requests_timeouts: Ordering_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Propagates_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes: {} Uncommitted_ledger_txns: '0': Count: 0 '1': Count: 0 '2': Count: 0 '3': Count: 0 Uncommitted_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' View_change_status: IC_queue: '15': Voters: RISENode7: reason: 43 Last_complete_view_no: 14 Last_view_change_started_at: '2024-08-19 12:31:36' VCDone_queue: {} VC_in_progress: false View_No: 14 did: H3y5zFnDfvwYPiAoP94iLZvcnFyJtij7LVRjkX2PPntw verkey: 347EGWxyXd6Txg1S8BdpUv4DBH7DfGZDnFQdvfgHrBaf2ntwqb52XVZ Pool_info: Blacklisted_nodes: [] Quorums: '{''view_change_ack'': Quorum(2), ''same_consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status'': Quorum(2), ''weak'': Quorum(2), ''f'': 1, ''strong'': Quorum(3), ''prepare'': Quorum(2), ''backup_instance_faulty'': Quorum(2), ''n'': 4, ''checkpoint'': Quorum(2), ''propagate'': Quorum(2), ''consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''timestamp'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status_last_3PC'': Quorum(2), ''observer_data'': Quorum(2), ''reply'': Quorum(2), ''view_change_done'': Quorum(3), ''commit'': Quorum(3), ''view_change'': Quorum(3), ''election'': Quorum(3), ''bls_signatures'': Quorum(3)}' Reachable_nodes: - - IGRANTNode1 - null - - MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 - 0 - - REDPILLLINPRONode5 - null - - RISENode7 - null Reachable_nodes_count: 4 Read_only: false Suspicious_nodes: '' Total_nodes_count: 4 Unreachable_nodes: [] Unreachable_nodes_count: 0 f_value: 1 Protocol: {} Software: Indy_packages: - ii indy-node 1.12.6 amd64 Indy node - ii indy-plenum 1.12.6 amd64 Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol - ii libindy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the shared crypto libirary for Hyperledger Indy components. - ii python3-indy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the official wrapper for Hyperledger Indy Crypto library (https://www.hyperledger.org/projects). - '' Installed_packages: - six 1.11.0 - semver 2.7.9 - rlp 0.5.1 - sortedcontainers 1.5.7 - portalocker 0.5.7 - setuptools 38.5.2 - timeout-decorator 0.4.0 - indy-crypto 0.4.5-23 - python-dateutil 2.6.1 - sha3 0.2.1 - indy-node 1.12.6 - indy-plenum 1.12.6 - Pympler 0.5 - orderedset 2.0 - python-rocksdb 0.6.9 - packaging 19.0 - jsonpickle 0.9.6 - Pygments 2.2.0 - psutil 5.4.3 - intervaltree 2.1.0 - libnacl 1.6.1 - ioflo 1.5.4 - base58 1.0.0 - distro 1.3.0 - pyzmq 18.1.0 OS_version: Linux-5.4.0-1101-gcp-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial indy-node: 1.12.6 sovrin: unknown Update_time: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:43:25 AM +0000 response-version: 0.0.1 timestamp: 1729565005 REDPILLLINPRONode5 Extractions: indy-node_status: - '' journalctl_exceptions: - '' node-control status: - '' stops_stat: null upgrade_log: '' Hardware: HDD_used_by_node: 379 MBs Memory_profiler: [] Node_info: BLS_key: 45tZCjihW7srM9xZ5cQfXZ1kfTaBW2XgkYxsLthiLBVP9zPwbCWHmQP9Qy4guBApscLnKMvSEm3ZtYN27DcyDpSqibBDVP4GGduaViY6R3iRAEDDJ3FjC6FkPVYfsKkjaVMuqDJguR7iSoZNiaAAsigSxDab8YaQCAFi3C8udQNnPGJ Catchup_status: Last_txn_3PC_keys: '0': IGRANTNode1: - null - null MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6: - null - null '1': {} '2': {} '3': IGRANTNode1: - null - null MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6: - null - null Ledger_statuses: '0': synced '1': synced '2': synced '3': synced Number_txns_in_catchup: '0': 0 '1': 0 '2': 0 '3': 0 Received_LedgerStatus: '' Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs: '0': null '1': null '2': null '3': null Client_ip: Client_port: 9702 Client_protocol: tcp Committed_ledger_root_hashes: '0': b'3w3ccEDaBoMpxyF9NeFxsFMwNGvw8mZdBz2V4k4PqJsb' '1': b'8HzHnQnG293eTswJRGq623tyAFc1JNawt1WLL27pPUKL' '2': b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn' '3': b'3vnBYt5newJRW7wm8F2jtc2eixe4YVVZavgpQS7mtrC3' Committed_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' Count_of_replicas: 1 Freshness_status: '0': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' '1': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:38:29+00:00' '2': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' Metrics: Delta: 0.1 Lambda: 240 Omega: 20 average-per-second: read-transactions: 0.3461600027 write-transactions: 0.0 avg backup throughput: null client avg request latencies: '0': null instances started: '0': 35.614292371 master throughput: null master throughput ratio: null max master request latencies: 0 ordered request counts: '0': 0 ordered request durations: '0': 0 throughput: '0': 0.0 total requests: 0 transaction-count: audit: 559515 config: 0 ledger: 68463 pool: 12 uptime: 426600 Mode: participating Name: REDPILLLINPRONode5 Node_ip: Node_port: 9701 Node_protocol: tcp Replicas_status: REDPILLLINPRONode5:0: Last_ordered_3PC: - 14 - 559515 Primary: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6:0 Stashed_txns: Stashed_PrePrepare: 0 Stashed_checkpoints: 0 Watermarks: 559500:559800 Requests_timeouts: Ordering_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Propagates_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes: {} Uncommitted_ledger_txns: '0': Count: 0 '1': Count: 0 '2': Count: 0 '3': Count: 0 Uncommitted_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' View_change_status: IC_queue: '15': Voters: RISENode7: reason: 43 Last_complete_view_no: 14 Last_view_change_started_at: '1970-01-01 00:00:00' VCDone_queue: {} VC_in_progress: false View_No: 14 did: BgPDqpNHasMfLFMp8Wtzs9qFSyXAyZ2SfnETmMBE49Xd verkey: 4w4pp6PtKLgDpxCb9UjafvnYb2pdGZx5aBMxa74tGY7LxLujv6JxkrN Pool_info: Blacklisted_nodes: [] Quorums: '{''view_change_done'': Quorum(3), ''consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''n'': 4, ''prepare'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status_last_3PC'': Quorum(2), ''election'': Quorum(3), ''observer_data'': Quorum(2), ''checkpoint'': Quorum(2), ''timestamp'': Quorum(2), ''view_change'': Quorum(3), ''propagate'': Quorum(2), ''bls_signatures'': Quorum(3), ''ledger_status'': Quorum(2), ''strong'': Quorum(3), ''reply'': Quorum(2), ''weak'': Quorum(2), ''view_change_ack'': Quorum(2), ''f'': 1, ''same_consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''backup_instance_faulty'': Quorum(2), ''commit'': Quorum(3)}' Reachable_nodes: - - IGRANTNode1 - null - - MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 - 0 - - REDPILLLINPRONode5 - null - - RISENode7 - null Reachable_nodes_count: 4 Read_only: false Suspicious_nodes: '' Total_nodes_count: 4 Unreachable_nodes: [] Unreachable_nodes_count: 0 f_value: 1 Protocol: {} Software: Indy_packages: - ii indy-node 1.12.6 amd64 Indy node - ii indy-plenum 1.12.6 amd64 Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol - ii libindy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the shared crypto libirary for Hyperledger Indy components. - ii python3-indy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the official wrapper for Hyperledger Indy Crypto library (https://www.hyperledger.org/projects). - '' Installed_packages: - rlp 0.5.1 - indy-node 1.12.6 - python-dateutil 2.6.1 - sha3 0.2.1 - Pympler 0.5 - timeout-decorator 0.4.0 - portalocker 0.5.7 - setuptools 38.5.2 - jsonpickle 0.9.6 - intervaltree 2.1.0 - packaging 19.0 - libnacl 1.6.1 - indy-plenum 1.12.6 - base58 1.0.0 - python-rocksdb 0.6.9 - indy-crypto 0.4.5-23 - orderedset 2.0 - semver 2.7.9 - Pygments 2.2.0 - distro 1.3.0 - psutil 5.4.3 - ioflo 1.5.4 - six 1.11.0 - sortedcontainers 1.5.7 - pyzmq 18.1.0 OS_version: Linux-5.15.0-124-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial indy-node: 1.12.6 sovrin: unknown Update_time: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:43:25 AM +0000 response-version: 0.0.1 timestamp: 1729565005 RISENode7 Extractions: indy-node_status: - '' journalctl_exceptions: - '' node-control status: - '' stops_stat: null upgrade_log: '' Hardware: HDD_used_by_node: 384 MBs Memory_profiler: [] Node_info: BLS_key: 3df4etYW72o1PCvfx37N971vSFNndZUFuSJ6sjS2VditmgtoVm4txAPUcqmJdrfQZoJ88vay7dmew9qgbT1dBdFY57tMXrdnMCfcm8esLhnY618afw6WVLFvXoHAa4iJGqEUgBpGnwSVHqzqYdD1RUiMbEUNQCQxAkLaBQpiGtYu97s Catchup_status: Last_txn_3PC_keys: '0': MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6: - null - null REDPILLLINPRONode5: - null - null '1': {} '2': {} '3': {} Ledger_statuses: '0': synced '1': synced '2': synced '3': synced Number_txns_in_catchup: '0': 0 '1': 272 '2': 0 '3': 26026 Received_LedgerStatus: '' Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs: '0': null '1': null '2': null '3': null Client_ip: Client_port: 9702 Client_protocol: tcp Committed_ledger_root_hashes: '0': b'3w3ccEDaBoMpxyF9NeFxsFMwNGvw8mZdBz2V4k4PqJsb' '1': b'8HzHnQnG293eTswJRGq623tyAFc1JNawt1WLL27pPUKL' '2': b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn' '3': b'3vnBYt5newJRW7wm8F2jtc2eixe4YVVZavgpQS7mtrC3' Committed_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' Count_of_replicas: 2 Freshness_status: '0': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' '1': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:38:29+00:00' '2': Has_write_consensus: true Last_updated_time: '2024-10-22 02:43:17+00:00' Metrics: Delta: 0.1 Lambda: 240 Omega: 20 average-per-second: read-transactions: 0.0326686374 write-transactions: 0.0 avg backup throughput: 0.0 client avg request latencies: '0': null '1': null instances started: '0': 51.476849811 '1': 51.479853705 master throughput: null master throughput ratio: null max master request latencies: 0 ordered request counts: '0': 0 '1': 0 ordered request durations: '0': 0 '1': 0 throughput: '0': 0.0 '1': 0.0 total requests: 0 transaction-count: audit: 559515 config: 0 ledger: 68463 pool: 12 uptime: 254556 Mode: participating Name: RISENode7 Node_ip: Node_port: 9701 Node_protocol: tcp Replicas_status: RISENode7:0: Last_ordered_3PC: - 14 - 559515 Primary: MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6:0 Stashed_txns: Stashed_PrePrepare: 0 Stashed_checkpoints: 0 Watermarks: 559500:559800 RISENode7:1: Last_ordered_3PC: - 14 - 11 Primary: RISENode7:1 Stashed_txns: Stashed_PrePrepare: 0 Stashed_checkpoints: 0 Watermarks: 11:311 Requests_timeouts: Ordering_phase_req_timeouts: 4 Propagates_phase_req_timeouts: 0 Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes: {} Uncommitted_ledger_txns: '0': Count: 0 '1': Count: 0 '2': Count: 0 '3': Count: 0 Uncommitted_state_root_hashes: '0': b'AvxDacPtyU79wmE46RBGB9A7fffLJfE9CNNAZNMg86mi' '1': b'GnUhrNSKBjQc7T6jNv9z8kWFtZSJmJkpTt96hZWvqqiK' '2': b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA' View_change_status: IC_queue: '15': Voters: RISENode7: reason: 43 Last_complete_view_no: 14 Last_view_change_started_at: '1970-01-01 00:00:00' VCDone_queue: {} VC_in_progress: false View_No: 14 did: FY96EsLaRgRe4idV1TqshtRJqruv94bwJKdFVsCAn5N3 verkey: 3Mprkr9aT9VSRMHwwfjDUGg674e5wJ1Xo6cNRjQt41Y3ksXmcdqAovm Pool_info: Blacklisted_nodes: [] Quorums: '{''election'': Quorum(3), ''view_change_done'': Quorum(3), ''prepare'': Quorum(2), ''commit'': Quorum(3), ''view_change'': Quorum(3), ''weak'': Quorum(2), ''checkpoint'': Quorum(2), ''strong'': Quorum(3), ''consistency_proof'': Quorum(2), ''reply'': Quorum(2), ''timestamp'': Quorum(2), ''propagate'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status_last_3PC'': Quorum(2), ''n'': 4, ''backup_instance_faulty'': Quorum(2), ''observer_data'': Quorum(2), ''bls_signatures'': Quorum(3), ''view_change_ack'': Quorum(2), ''ledger_status'': Quorum(2), ''f'': 1, ''same_consistency_proof'': Quorum(2)}' Reachable_nodes: - - IGRANTNode1 - null - - MYDATAHUBSWEDENNode6 - 0 - - REDPILLLINPRONode5 - null - - RISENode7 - 1 Reachable_nodes_count: 4 Read_only: false Suspicious_nodes: '' Total_nodes_count: 4 Unreachable_nodes: [] Unreachable_nodes_count: 0 f_value: 1 Protocol: {} Software: Indy_packages: - ii indy-node 1.12.6 amd64 Indy node - ii indy-plenum 1.12.6 amd64 Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol - ii libindy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the shared crypto libirary for Hyperledger Indy components. - ii python3-indy-crypto 0.4.5 amd64 This is the official wrapper for Hyperledger Indy Crypto library (https://www.hyperledger.org/projects). - '' Installed_packages: - indy-plenum 1.12.6 - packaging 19.0 - orderedset 2.0 - jsonpickle 0.9.6 - six 1.11.0 - ioflo 1.5.4 - psutil 5.4.3 - libnacl 1.6.1 - rlp 0.5.1 - base58 1.0.0 - semver 2.7.9 - distro 1.3.0 - Pympler 0.5 - intervaltree 2.1.0 - sha3 0.2.1 - portalocker 0.5.7 - python-dateutil 2.6.1 - Pygments 2.2.0 - timeout-decorator 0.4.0 - indy-crypto 0.4.5-23 - sortedcontainers 1.5.7 - python-rocksdb 0.6.9 - setuptools 38.5.2 - indy-node 1.12.6 - pyzmq 18.1.0 OS_version: Linux-5.15.0-124-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial indy-node: 1.12.6 sovrin: unknown Update_time: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:43:25 AM +0000 response-version: 0.0.1 timestamp: 1729565005